Date of Exhibition: Fall 2023-Present
Curator: Julia Hodges (third-year undergraduate Archives Student Worker) and Hebah Uddin (PhD student in Children’s Literature and 2023-24 Graduate Student Assistant)
Location: Archives & Special Collections exhibit gallery, 3rd floor Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh 3960 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Description: Children’s fascination with the dark and what dwells within it is enduring, as are the attempts of their adult counterparts to influence, suppress, or merely understand this desire for self-expression through the weird and macabre. This exhibit explores the journey from horror as a tool of religious and moral indoctrination to a source of children’s agency and exploration through a closer look at materials, both classic and modern, from the Horror Studies Collection and Elizabeth Nesbitt Collection in the University of Pittsburgh Library System’s Archives and Special Collections.