The UN subregion of North Africa consists of 7 countries at the northernmost part of the continent -- Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara. North Africa is an economically prosperous area, generating one-third of Africa's total GDP. Oil production is high in Libya. Geographically, the region instersects the Arab World and Africa. With a strong islamic population, North Africa was the center of the Arab uprising of 2011.
Other significant sources' country subdivsions include those arranged by the African Development Bank Group and the African Union.
Other country subdivsions include those arranged by the African Development Bank Group and the African Union.
News updates on North Africa in The Economist
Africa is the world's second largest continent in area. The countries differ immensely geographically, politically, socially, economically, and culturally.
The UN Statistics Division has subdivided the African continent into five regions, Northern Africa, Central or Middle Africa , Southern Africa, East Africa, and Western Africa. These subdivisions include the following countries:
The African Development Bank Group , the African Union and AllAfrica (an African based news aggregrate service) use slightly different Subdivsions.
This guide includes general resources focused by subject matter and country resources of external web links. Individual country pages include links to history and culture related websites, as well as news resources and official government websites.
Click on the country's link above to access the individual country pages.
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