PASSPORT is our most useful database for exporting comparative international country level data into Excel.
These are selected sources for international data.
When researching international statistics it is helpful to know what kind of statistics you need and what organizations collect that data.
For a single country (or city data) check the country's statistical abstract. When comparing multiple countries, it is best to get all similar data from the same source. Use the PDF's table to determine who collects the type of data you need.
These are selected resources for national data.
How to locate data and analysis reports in Passport.
Step 1: Enter the Passport database.
Near the top of the page, look for the Search the Full Tree box. This option allows you to browse the content of the database by category and topic.
Step 2: Click Go.
You should now see a list of results with two separate categories: Industries, which is listed first, and Economic and Consumer Topics, which follows it.
Tip: You can use the + and - to expand and shorten the lists.
Step 3: Select your topic.
For example, to find information on smart phones, follow this path (see image to the right --->)
Economic and Consumer Topics -> Digital Consumer -> Possession of Digital Devices -> Possession of Smart Phone.
Tip: You can also Type a specific category or topic to filter the available items.
Step 4: Once you have selected your topic, scroll to the bottom of the page to select Next.
Step 5: You will now need to select a geography. You can choose the world, regions, or individual countries.
For example, to find the USA, you can use the + next to North America.
You may also use the search box above the geographies. In the illustration below, when you type China, you will see the options available.
Step 6: Click Search.
Tip: Data or statistics are on the left, analysis is on the right.
For more information on viewing and manipulating statistics, watch Understanding and Manipulating Passport's Data.
For more robust ways to screen and filter analyst reports, watch Finding Topic Pages.
How to Understand and Manipulate in Passport.
When you enter Market Statistics, you will see a table similar to the one shown below. The table elements are identified in the image.
For an overview on how to manipulate data, watch Getting to Passport's Data and Analysis.
For more robust ways to screen and filter analyst reports, watch Finding Topic Pages.
How to Find Topic Pages
Passport topic pages can be found by hovering your mouse over the categories found in top navigation menu.
On the results page, you can see various articles and analyst coverage along with the latest research. The boxes, or quick links,may have different content based on your topic. The image below shows the boxes for Business Dynamics. If you select content in a box, the Go button in the box will turn blue and be clickable. In the image below, the Dashboard content is selected and is now clickable.
Most city data (statistics) has to come from offical government websites of the city or country or from statistical abstracts and handbooks of the individual country. Most international organizations and databases generally provide only country level data. Encyclopedias like the Encyclopedia Britannica Online are useful forescriptions of cities and their statistics.
Google Scholar is often helpful for finding articles on your topic. Some articles will contain statistical content.