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Course & Subject Guides

Electronic Theses and Dissertations Support Guide

Adding Supplemental Files

While creating your ETD, you may have files that are either too large to be included in the final PDF or aren't able to be inserted into the text (multimedia files, large format, etc.) You have several options available to share this information in your ETD and this guide will provide some advice on how best to do this. 

For more information please visit the relevant page on the site entitled Share Your Research Data with D-Scholarship@Pitt.

Adding Supplemental Files to the ETD Administrator submission form:

  • After adding the PDF file for your submission, you can also add supplemental files to accompany your ETD.

  • Upload the files in the Supplemental Files step. There are some limitations to this upload:

    • Do not upload files that someone else holds rights to (for example, third party software such as Microsoft Excel). However, uploading your Excel spreadsheet is OK.

    • Remove any personal information (e.g. mailing address, email address, etc.) from your files.

    • There is a 2 GB size limit for individual files.

    • You may upload up to 30 individual files..

Linking to Supplemental Files from Another Open Access Location

  • If you have deposited a dataset or other research data item in an Open Access location, such as D-Scholarship@Pitt, which would like to use in your ETD, you can use the record URL to reference the item.
    • Add the link to either a citation or caption for a thumbnail you create in your ETD. 
    • Create the PDF version of your ETD and upload that file to the ETD Administrator site for your school.
  • You are no longer required to create a link to the supplemental files that you upload in the ETD Administrator form.