To create equation captions that meet the Chicago style manual guidelines and work within the Pitt ETD template you will need to follow these steps in order.
- You must first create a table consisting of one row and three columns.
- Insert your equation into the center column.

- Insert your cursor into a space following the table and hit Return.
- Use the References tab to insert a new caption with the label of Equation.

- Once it is created, highlight only the caption you have created and hit Ctrl+C (copy) and then Ctrl+X (cut).

- Insert your cursor into the right cell of the newly created table and hit Ctrl+V to paste the caption into the table. (You cannot caption the table and then paste it into the column, as Word will not easily discern the label type and create multiple labels.)

- Highlight the right column and use the Table Tools—Layout options to vertically center the caption and have it be right aligned.
- Now select the entire table and use the Table Tools—Design options to make the table have No Border.

Now you will need to create a custom List of Equations.
- Insert your cursor in the Preface title line on the Preface page.
- Using the Styles menu (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S) you should select Normal from the Styles.
- Hit Return to create a new line.
- Use the Layout tab to select the Breaks—Next Page option.
- Once you have created this next page break, place the cursor at the unstyled Preface heading and hit return to start a new line.
- On this new line type List of Equations and then hit return.
- Using the styles menu you can then make the List of Equations heading styled as Preliminary.
- In the line following this heading, you will then need to place your cursor and use the References tab to select Insert Table of Figures from the Captions segment of this ribbon.
- The dialog box will allow you to select the caption label of Equation, which will then only create the list of equations from the equations in your ETD that you inserted the custom caption in the right column of the associated table.
- Once you have created this new list, you can create and label more equations if needed.
- You update this list of equations by right-clicking on the list and selecting the Updated Field—Update Entire Table option.
- You may need to manually create the bookmark for the List of Equations in your PDF, but tutorials on how to do that are located at: