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Course & Subject Guides

STEM Library Services @ Pitt

The guide highlights the specialized resources and services offered by the University Library System to aid STEM researchers, students, and faculty.

How do I find documents needed for my research?

Scientific literature comes in many forms that are designed and written for different purposes. Information about them is organized in different ways and available through a variety of sources, depending on the subject, document type, and other criteria. Here are a few helpful resources to get started.

Need help?

If you want more information or personal assistance, contact the specialist for your subject area or submit a question through Ask Us.

  • If you are looking for information on a topic, we can point you to appropriate resources, help develop a search strategy and refine your search, and provide training in the use of databases.
  • If you are looking for a specific item, we can help with incomplete and ambiguous citations, determine whether we have an item and how to request or access it, and find alternatives or help request an item we don't have.


Finding Articles


Finding Dissertations


Finding Patents and Technical Documents


If we don't have it: