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Course & Subject Guides

STEM Library Services @ Pitt

The guide highlights the specialized resources and services offered by the University Library System to aid STEM researchers, students, and faculty.

How do I find software and libraries for STEM research?

The broad spectrum of STEM research has generated great volumes of software. Here are some common tools to consider incorporating in your workflow:

  • OneDrive for secure, cloud-based storage and collaboration
  • A text editor such as Microsoft VS CodeNotepad++, or Sublime Text
  • Git, which enables granular "version control" of your project over time
  • A programming language for analysis and scripting, either Python or R (see below for help deciding)
  • The Linux/macOS "command line," formally known as Bash (can be accessed in Windows using Git Bash)
  • Zotero for managing and annotating your personal library of articles, and automatically creating citations/bibliographies for them
  • Overleaf online collaborative LaTeX editor

Your discipline, specific subdiscipline, and methods will determine some of your key software choices beyond the general tools listed above. GitHub is a great place to find specific tools and libraries/packages for your programming environment of choice.

Need help?

If you need help with any of the above software, with choosing or getting started in Python or R, or finding the specific library/package for your need, reach out for a consultation via our Ask Us page! Consultations for research software selection, training, and troubleshooting are part of the Library's research data services.