This important work was published between 1878 and 2012 by the Census Bureau. It provides authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States.
(Pitt users only) Presents mainly US census data for the nation as a whole, such as immigration statistics by country of origin or mortality rates by disease, ranging back to the 1800s.
Census Statistics
You may also want to look at the Census Subject Guide for more in-depth assistance.
Primary way to access Census Bureau data, including releases from the 2018 American Community Survey, 2017 Economic Census, 2020 Census and more. Use to view, print, and download statistics about population, housing, industry, and business.
This title is an annual series that provides substantial economic data by industry. The series is useful for studying the economic activity of small areas; analyzing economic changes over time; and as a benchmark for statistical series, surveys, and databases between economic censuses.
The Economic Census provides a detailed portrait of the United States economy, from the national to the local level, and covers most of the U.S. economy in its basic collection of establishment statistics. Business establishments in the economic census are grouped into industries based on the similarity of their production processes.
The Census of Agriculture is the leading source of facts and figures about American agriculture. Conducted every five years, the Census provides a detailed picture of U.S. farms and ranches and the people who operate them.