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Course & Subject Guides

Travelers Along the Silk Roads, 10th Century to the Present @ Pitt: Resources


Suggested Reading - Primary Works

Abraham Ortelius & Asiae Nova Descripti

Asiae Nova Descripti

"Asiae Nova Descripti" in Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Abraham Ortelius, 1592.

​Ortelius, Abraham, (1527-1598), cartographer and geographer.  “Asiae Nova Descripti.” In Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Opus nunc denuòab ipso Auctore recognitum, multisquèlocis castigatum & quamplurimis nouis Tabulis atquèCommentarijs auctum.  [Antverpiae, in officina Plantiniana, auctoris aere & cura, M.D.XCII].  Illustrated with one-hundred-thirty-four maps, 45 cm.University Library System -Archives & Special Collections -ff 1592

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Digital Resources for the Silk Road

Suggested Reading - Secondary Works