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Course & Subject Guides

Korean Studies Resources and Services @ Pitt

This guide introduces major print and electronic resources on Korean Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Tips on effectively searching for Korean materials on PITTCat are also given.

Featured Movies

The Flower Girl


Dialogue in Korean with English subtitles

5 Guerrilla Bros Part 1

유격대의 오형제 제1

In Korean

Sea Of Blood Movie

피바다 1, 2부

In Korean

Ahn Jung Gun Shoots Ito Hirobumi

안중근 이등박문을 쏘다


In Korean



Dialogue in Korean with Japanese subtitles.

Order #027

명령 ‐027호

In Korean

Hong Kil-tong


In Korean with English subtitles


For more information, please go to the East Asian Library.

Where are the movies located?

Most Nortth Korean DVDs have been cataloged with call numbers formatted like this: DVD-#####. They are shelved at the Stark Media Services, Ground Floor (G-20), Hillman Library. Please check the website for circulation policy.  For DVDs that are uncataloged, please put in a GetIt request if you need to use that DVD and we can do a rush cataloging of the requested item so you can view it.