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Course & Subject Guides

Doing Business Abroad @ Pitt

This guide is intended to help Pitt business students learn about the countries they may be traveling to or studying abroad in, as well as provide resources they can use to learn about business topics in those countries.

Travel Info

Traveling abroad entails many moving parts and logistics. The information below contains links and strategies about how to find information to help prepare you for your trip. 

Travel Tips

Tourism Information provided by the destination country

Search for tourism information provided by the country you are studying or visiting. After you know your companies internet domain, go go Google and search for the country, tourism, and use the limiter "site:.countrydomain". Example: Germany tourism

Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet, which publishes detailed travel guides to different countries and cities, also provides information about the best time to travel to a certain location, and other key factors to keep in mind. To find one for your country, do a Google search for Lonely Planet, your country, and essential guide. Example: Lonely Planet Australia essential guide

U.S. Department of State

The U.S. Department of State creates travel alerts and warnings, as well as provides in depth information about how to prepare to travel abroad. 

Online and Print Dictionaries

While you can often use Google Translate to help communicate in a foreign language, having access to online or print dictionaries can be extremely helpful.

To find them, do a search in PittCat for the language and dictionary. Example: Spanish dictionary. On the results page, limit the Content Type to Book/eBook.

Pitt Study Abroad

Pitt has a study abroad office that will provide you will all kinds of information relevant to traveling and studying in a foreign country. Be sure to check out their website for more tips and information!