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Course & Subject Guides

Curriculum Resource Center - Bradford Campus

This guide is designed to help education students locate resources available in the Curriculum Resource Center for lesson plans, unit plans, and class presentations.

Getting Started

Kits are hands-on materials for use with Pre-K to grade 12 students, such as K'nex Levers and Pulleys, transparent counters, scales, protractors, dice, story cubes, and Makey Makey. Each kit is numbered to make it easy to locate on the shelf in Hanley's Curriculum Resource Center (CRC). 


There are two ways to locate kits available in Hanley's CRC. 

To locate or browse online, use PittCat's ( simple search.

  • Tip: In the simple search bar:
    • Simple Search: LZ9800 Kit                   (no space between LZ and 9800)


  • Tip: In the Advanced Search:

“Any field” contains LZ 9800                (space between LZ and 9800)

AND “Any field” contains Kit

OR “Any field” contains LZ9800             (no space between LZ and 9800)

To locate or browse kits in person, all are in the LZ 9800 bookshelf area in Hanley's CRC.