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Course & Subject Guides

Building Digital Exhibits Using Omeka @ Pitt

Introduction to Omeka Items

Before you begin adding items, you need to have a plan for how you will enter metadata. If you have not yet consulted the Planning Your Site page and made some decisions about your metadata schema, please do that first!

What is an Item?

Items are the foundation of an Omeka site! Items are the "objects" in this object-based medium, and are the building blocks of your digital collections and exhibits. There are no Omeka sites without items.

Items are composed of metadata and an optional file representation of the object, such as an image, video, audio, or PDF file.

Adding Items

Before you cA dark red menu with the text Items highlighted in lighter red, indicating that page is selectedan add items to your collections and exhibits, you will need to create a record for each item. You can do this by going to the Items page in the left-hand sidebar of your site and clicking the "Add an Item" button. You will see four tabs on the Add an Item page:

After entering all of the necessary information about your item, you're ready to submit! You can click the Add Item button at any time to save your work--if you have a lot of information to add or you need to take a break, you should save. You can always go back and edit your item.



Use the arrows at the bottom of the page to learn more about the first step of creating an item: adding metadata using Dublin Core.