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Course & Subject Guides

Found Treasures, Spring 2014 @ Pitt Special Collections: Eragny Press

This library guide is an overview of the Special Collection's exhibit, "Found Treasures," a selection of works that represent major fine and private presses held by Special Collections.

Stunning Examples

Les Ballades. By Francois Villon. London: Hacon & Ricketts, 1900.

The Queen of the Fishes. By Margaret Rust. London: C. Ricketts, 1894.

About Eragny Press

  • Started in London by Frenchman Lucien Pissarro in 1895 and functioned until 1914.
  • Eldest son of Impressionist painter, Camille Pissarro.
  • Press named for town in Normandy where Pissarro and family lived.
  • Produced a total of 32 handcrafted books.
  • The press was joint venture with his wife Esther.
  • Lucien acted as designer and wood engraver, while Esther became the technical skill behind the press.  

Founder, Lucien Pissarro

Founder of the Eragny Press, Lucien Pissarro, c. 1937 from the Tate Museum.

Additional Resources

The Descent of Ishtar

The Descent of Ishtar. [Translated] by Diana White. [London, Eragny Press; sold by J. Lane, New York, 1903]