Chinese Newspapers, Periodicals, Dissertations @ Pitt: Reference
This guide aims to help readers access and use Chinese newspapers, periodicals and dissertations through The East Asian Library at University of Pittsburgh.
1815 察世俗每月統記傳 (Chinese Monthly Magazine) First modern Chinese periodical in the world, published in Malacca by William Milne (1785-1822)
1827 廣州紀錄報 (Canton Register) First English-language periodical issued in China proper
1833 東西洋考每月統記傳 (Eastern Western Monthly Magazine) First Chinese-language periodical issued in China proper, edited by Karl Gützlaff (1803-1851)
1850 北華捷報 (North China Herald) First English-language newspaper published in Shanghai, the most long-lasting (101 years) English-language newspaper published in China before 1949
1854 金山新聞 (Golden Hills News) First Chinese periodical issued in North America, weekly published in San Francisco
1865 中外新報 First newspaper issued by Chinese, ended in 1919, predecessor: 香港船頭貨價紙 founded in 1857
1872 申報 First daily newspaper in China, established by British businessman Ernest Major (1841-1908), one of the most influential modern Chinese newspapers, ceased in 1949
1874 循環日報 One of the most successful newspapers published by Chinese, established by Wang Tao 王韜 (1828-1897) in Hong Kong
1876 格致彙編 (Chinese Scientific Magazine) First popular scientific magazine in China, edited by John Fryer (1839-1928), predecessor: 中西聞見錄
1884 點石齋畫報 One of the most prominent pictorial magazines in China, supplement to 申報
1895 約翰聲 First college journal in China, published at St. John’s University in Shanghai
1896 時務報 One of the most important political newspapers during the Late Qing reform, initiated by Liang Qichao 梁啟超 (1873-1929) and Wang Kangnian 汪康年 (1860-1911)
1898 女學報 First female newspaper in China
1902 大公報 One of the most significant newspaper in modern China, established in Tianjin
1902 北洋官報 First local government organ in China, established in Tianjin by Yuan Shikai 袁世凱 (1859-1916)
1904 東方雜誌 One of the most prominent comprehensive magazine in modern China, published by Zhang Yuanji 張元濟 (1867-1959) at Shangwu Yinshuguan 商務印書館(The Commercial Press) in Shanghai
1926 良友 One of the most influential and popular comprehensive pictorial (photographic) journals in modern China
時報舘 (Shi Bao House)
Shi Bao House in the 1920s.
Shi Bao (TheTimes)wasfoundedinShanghaionJune 12, 1904.