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Self Care in College
This video highlights what stress is like for college students and the various methods of self-care students use.
Practical *Non-instagram* Self Care
Social media creates an idealized definition of self-care. What does self-care really involve outside of the picture-perfect yoga setting and bundle of smoldering dried herbs?
The 5-4-3-2-1- Method: A Grounding Exercise to Manage Anxiety
Feeling anxious? Grounding exercises can help to calm anxious thoughts and keep you focused and mindful in your environment. The 5-4-3-2-1 method is a grounding exercise that can be done almost anywhere and it doesn't require any equipment or materials- just your brain! Take a few minutes to learn how to complete the exercise and then try it for yourself.
Yoga For Anxiety and Stress
Awaken The Force! Move from the darkness into the light! Yoga has your back! In this practice video Adriene guides you through breath and body practices that serve you when you feel bad. Learn breathing techniques and spinal work that will assist you in moments of stress. Find release, create space and process yo' stuff. Bookmark this video. Yoga to the rescue! Enjoy.
Calm: offers meditations for dozens of topics as well as new daily meditations, plus sleep stories, breathing exercises, stretches and more.
Exhale: inspires self-care, mindfulness and rest through content curated by BIWOC – including meditations, coaching talks, affirmations, guided visualizations, and breath work.
Moodfit: Whether you’re looking to better understand your feelings, or you’re experiencing anxiety, depression, or high levels of stress, Moodfit is designed to help you feel better.
Reflectly: self-care journal driven by AI that’ll give you personalized daily prompts to help you keep journaling and reflecting
TAO: a private online library of engaging, interactive programs to learn life skills and to help you bounce back from disappointments or stumbling blocks in life
Todoist: designed to help you get all of your tasks in one place, organize them, and set reminders for yourself to help you get your tasks done when they need to be done.