A collection of music that reflects the history of the United States.
Listen to streaming audio versions of songs by and about American Indians, miners, immigrants, slaves, children, pioneers, and cowboys; the songs of Civil Rights, political campaigns, Prohibition, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, anti-war protests and more.
A multi-label database centered around over 50,000 Classical music recordings.
A reference section yields biographies and images of composers, themed playlists, a glossary of musical terms, and a historical guide. The selection ranges from vocal and choral music, to chamber, orchestral, solo instrumental, and opera.
Lets users find and listen to musical recordings in a diverse range of styles from around the world, such as American Folk, Jazz, Blues, World, and Children’s among others, and several search capabilities (by country of origin, cultural group, language etc.).
These databases contain in-depth articles and information about the subject and music. In addition to some of the content on this page, they offer scholarly and reference resources
More about Music Databases
An in-depth look at the more comprehensive music databases that provide music streaming.
Music Online is a suite of databases offering full length streaming recordings of music in a variety of genres. Search all the collections at once in Music Online: * African American Song * American Song * Classical Music Library * Contemporary World Music * Jazz Music Library * Smithsonian Global Sound for Libraries * Garland Encyclopedia of World Music
DRAM is a collection of 9,800 American music recordings in several genres. Informative essays give background information about the music.
CD quality, streaming audio in these, and other, categories:
* folk
* opera
* Native American
* jazz
* 19th century classical
* early rock
* musical theater
* contemporary
* electronic