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Course & Subject Guides

First Year Engineering - Pittsburgh Campus Writing

This guide helps students in the First Year Engineering program at the Pittsburgh Campus with their writing assignments.

Where Should I Search?

Wondering where is the best place to find resources on a particular Grand Challenge or what types of resources a certain database may have to offer?  While all the databases below can aid you in the research process, this list breaks down which databases are better for particular Grand Challenges.  It also shows what types of resources and materials are available through each one.


Source Content Type Scholarly Journals Trade Journals General Interest Journals Books Conference Proceedings Handbooks
Academic Search Premier

Wide variety of content including humanities, arts, science, engineering, and medicine

Grand Challenges: Good starting point for all topics

Business Source Complete

Business-related materials including company and industry reports, trade journals, and business journals

Grand Challenges: Make solar energy economical, Provide access to clean water, Restore and improve urban infrastructure, Secure cyberspace, Advance personalized learning


Content on life sciences and biomedical topics, including scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, electronic books, and more

Grand Challenges: Advance health informatics, Engineer better medicines, Reverse-engineer the brain


Content from the library catalog such as books, journals, dvds, ebooks, and digital materials. PittCat also searches almost all of the content to which we subscribe

Grand Challenges: Good starting point for all topics


NOTE:  A PittCat search for “Articles, Books & More” searches much of the content to which Pitt subscribes, and it may be relatively easy to link to the full text of many of the references found. However, subject-oriented research databases usually provide more in-depth coverage of the subject and include specialized indexing and search features that may give a more focused and relevant set of results. Think critically about which resources will best suit your research needs!