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Course & Subject Guides

English Department - Pittsburgh Campus

A guide to library services and resources related to the field of English.

Library Services

In addition to the services below, librarians are available for class instruction and creating research guides (like this one) for courses, assignments, or other academic activities. Contact me at for more information!

Service Description Undergraduate Graduate Faculty
Get It Get books, articles, and other materials from another Pitt library, branch campus, or storage (excluding HSLS and Law Library)  
EZBorrow Get books from participating institutions in a network of over 75 libraries in Pennsylvania, Delaware, and West Virginia, with 6-week loan period + 6 week renewal!      
Interlibrary Loan Get books, articles, and other materials from libraries across the world    
Reciprocal Borrowing Borrow books at Carnegie Mellon University using your Pitt ID  
Purchase Request - Books Request the library purchase a book  
Purchase Request - Media, DVDs, etc. Request the library purchase non-book materials    
Electronic Theses and Dissertations Get help putting together your electronic Baccalaureate Thesis, Masters Thesis, or Dissertation   N/A
Full Term Loan Period Check books out for the entire term      
Request Course Reserves Put books and other materials on reserve or ereserve for your courses  N/A
Proxy Borrowers Assign a staff member or graduate student to check materials out for you  N/A  N/A
Donate Books/Journals Donate books to the ULS for reuse    
LibGuides Work with the ULS to create a research guide for your department, course, or assignment  
Request Library Instruction Bring a Librarian into your class or bring your class into the library for instruction on library resources  N/A
Digital Publishing Partner with the ULS to publish your scholarly material  
Subsidized Open Access Fees for Pitt Authors Funds provided for the payment of article processing fees for articles published in eligible open-access journals and for which there is no alternative funding.