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Course & Subject Guides

Ebooks @ Pitt

This guide describes the many ebook resources available through the University Library System and how to access them.

Ebooks @ Pitt

The University of Pittsburgh has an extensive collection of ebooks made available through our databases. These collections cover a variety of disciplines including business, economics, technology, engineering, humanities, arts, and science. This guide has been created to assist students in searching for, accessing, and downloading digital content through the library's homepage.

What is an ebook?

An electronic book (also e-book, ebook, eBook, digital book) is a book made available in digital form and designed to be read using special e-book software, some of which preserve the book’s original layout and design. Ebooks can be read on a variety of PCs (desktops, notebooks, tablets, and handhelds), PDAs, and dedicated e-book readers using specially designed e-book software. (Source: CredoReference)

How do I access ebooks at Pitt?

Our ebook collections are available for free to Pitt students, faculty, and staff 24/7 through the library's homepage and online catalog PittCat. Ebook collections at Pitt and their descriptions can also be accessed from the Major Ebook Collections page in this LibGuide. You can also access the library's electronic reference book collection in the eReference page.

Using a wireless device or e-reader?

Visit the Devices/Downloading page for information on compatible portable devices.

Accessing Ebooks From Off Campus

Remember that to access these books, you have to log in for remote access (when prompted).

Having trouble with remote access?

If you encounter a broken link or cannot get into a resource, you can do a few things first to make sure that there really is a problem.

  1. Reload the page
  2. Make sure you have configured your browser to accept cookies
  3. Wait a few minutes and try again. For some resources we have a limited number of simultaneous users. When the maximum number of users are logged in, you could be denied access.
  4. Change to a different browser and/or computer
  5. You may be prompted for a username and password when none is required. Please wait a few minutes and try again.

Understanding Ebook formatting

Although the majority of Pitt's eCollections are in epub and PDF formatting, it is good to understand the other formatting options as well.

Ebook FAQs