Whether you are studying an international company or a global industry or planning to study abroad or visit another country, these resources can help.
For more information, check out the Doing Business Abroad @ Pitt guide. It includes information on:
Many resources are limited in their scope and only include information on companies and industries from the United States or North America. Both the research databases and free online resources listed below have information on international companies or provide in-depth country profiles, including industry and demographic information.
Mergent Online provides business and financial information for over 23,000 U.S. and international companies.
*Access to Mergent Online is ending on July 1st, 2025. Please see Refinitiv/LSEG Workspace for Students for continued access.
In addition to the resources available through the University of Pittsburgh, there are a number of companies and organizations that make some information available for free through their websites. Some of the information listed below will be completely available for free, while others will give you a preview in hopes that you will pay for more access.