You're going to be looking through a lot of materials for your review, and it's easy to loose track of a particular citation or how you got to a source. Managing and keeping track of the literature you find is important. There are several different systems you can use to keep track of your literature -- a notebook, note cards, an online document, a Word document, a citation manager, whatever format you prefer -- but select one that works for you. Be sure to track:
Keep track of all of your reference lists and bibliographies. Pitt's library resources work with citation management tools and allow you to import citations from sources like PITTCat+ and article databases.
Some of us think in a more linear way and find it useful to enter notes in tables rather than note cards. This table is one illustration of what types of information you can gather from the articles or books that you read, and more examples of this system below.
Using index cards and note cards is a classic system for tracking multiple sources. You can buy 3x5" or 5x7" cards at any office supply store.