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Ramón Gómez de la Serna Exhibit: Correspondence and Drawings

The Special Collections Department at the University of Pittsburgh's Library System celebrated the online accessibility of a majority of the Papers of Ramón Gómez de la Serna with an exhibit of selected manuscripts and photographs.

Correspondence & Drawings

Correspondence and Drawings


The majority of  the correspondence in the papers are from the Spanish playwright and novelist Enrique Jardiel Poncela and from Ramón to Luis de Olarra and Ernesto Bustamante. Poncela supplies Ramón with his enthusiastic impressions of nationalist Spain during and after the Civil War. From the transcripts of the letters to Olarra, whose brother was the director of Espasa Calpe, we learn a few bibliographical and publishing details and some personal confidences. The letters to the Argentinian poet Bustamante reveal more bibliographical and biographical details while inquiring about books necessary for his work. The remaining less substantial letters are from Jules Supervielle, Manuel de Falla, Jean Cocteau, Camilo José Cela, José Calvo Sotelo, Marqués de Luca de Tena, Ortega y Gasset, Alberto Hidalgo, and Manuel Gálvez. In addition, there are four poems dedicated to Ramón from Latin American poets and the original of the letter from Miguel Moya about “El Torero Caracho,” which is referred to in “Automoribundie.” 

Displayed here a letters by Ramón to Ernesto Bustamante from folder RGS 39-2 and a drawing by Antonio Casero (undated) from folder RGS 39-8

Click on the folder number or  image to see the complete digitized folder.


Drawing of Ramón by Antonio Casero