Philosophy has always been influenced by scientific work, and its deliberations have frequently followed scientific models. In recent decades the University of Pittsburgh has established itself as a leader in scientific philosophy, one of the twentieth century's most important intellectual currents. Furthermore, the University has committed itself to assembling archival resources for investigating the history of scientific philosophy. Known as the Archives of Scientific Philosophy (ASP), these holdings include, among others, the scholarly papers of Rudolf Carnap, Hans Reichenbach, Frank Plumpton Ramsey, and Willfrid Sellars. In addition, the Archives holds microfilm copies of the papers of Herbert Feigl (the originals being housed at the University of Minnesota). The Archives also includes microfilm copies of the manuscripts of Ludwig Wittgenstein and the Archives for the History of Quantum Physics. Most materials are housed in the Special Collections Department of the University's Hillman Library.
For more specific information on a particular collection, please follow the links listed below. They are highlighting each collection's scope, contents, organization, and usefulness to scholars from a variety of disciplines.
Guides and finding aids to the various collections are maintained in the Special Collections Department and are mostly searchable online here.