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Resources for Community Entrepreneurs

Collection of free and subscription resources available to Pennsylvania residents.

Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas

The Business Model Canvas was created by Strategyzer to help you "describe, design, challenge, and pivot your business model."

Business Model Canvas is made up of the following sections for you to fill in: key partners, key activities, key resources, cost structure, value propositions, customer relationships, channels, customer segments, and revenue streams.

Supplemental materials:

Resources to Use to Create a Business Model Canvas

Resources to Use to Create a Business Model Canvas

As you develop you various iterations of a business model canvas, you will likely use information from prior knowledge or experience, advice from industry experts of business mentors, information you gather during your testing and talking with target customers, etc. However, you will also likely want to use some information we have in various databases, which are listed below.

Links and text are below

Key Partners

Includes buyer-supplier relationships or complementary business alliances.

Key Activities

These are the most important activities needed to execute the value proposition.

Key Resources

Includes resources necessary to create value for the customer and to sustain and support the business. These could be human, financial, physical, intellectual, etc.

Value Propositions

This is what differentiates you from your competition, and how your product(s) and/or service(s) meet the needs of your customers.

Customer Relationships

This is the type of relationships you want with your customers (options might be personal assistance, self-service, automated, etc.)


Here you will explain how you will deliver your product or service to the targeted customer in a way that provides value to them and that is efficient and cost effective. This could be via your own channels or partners, such as distributors.

Customer Segments

This addresses the customers who you have identified to target.

Cost Structure

Here you will discuss your costs, which could include fixed costs, variable costs, economies of scale, economies of scope. It will detail the costs involved in operating your business.

Revenue Streams

This is how you will make income. This could include direct sales, charging usage or subscription fees, income from lending/leasing/renting items or property, etc.