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Course & Subject Guides

First Year Seminar Toolkit - Bradford

This guide will provide resources for First Year Seminar students and faculty on the Bradford Campus.

MLA Citation Style (8th edition)

MLA 9th edition

MLA ninth edition manual

(, 2021)

The Modern Language Association offers useful links to help you utilize the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook.

Access the "MLA Quick Links" for assistance!


Building an MLA Citation

Sample Citations in MLA (8th edition)

Newspaper viewed in electronic database--Continuous pagination, no section designation (MLA, pp. 32, 46-68) 

Lubasch, Arnold H.  “Seneca Ceremony Mourns Land Taken by U. S.

     Despite Treaty." New York Times, 17 Sept. 1962, late city ed., pp. 1+. 

     ProQuest Historical Newspapers,

Popular magazine article viewed in electronic database (MLA, pp. 32, 46-68)

McCabe, Nancy.  “A Bogeyman with Supernatural Powers.” Newsweek

     17 Oct. 2005: p. 26. Academic Search Premier,


Scholarly Journal viewed in electronic database  (MLA, pp. 32, 46-68)

Ulin, Don. "Reforming Wordsworth: William Howitt and the 'Great Republican

     Conservative.'” European Romantic Review, vol. 20, no. 3, 2009, pp. 309-25.

     Taylor and Francis, doi:10.1080/10509580902986294.

Citation Managers

Keep track of all of your reference lists and bibliographies.

Pitt's library resources work with citation managers, and allow you to import citations from sources like PittCat and article databases. 

Mendeley, EndNote, and Zotero are examples of citation managers.