Neelima Bhatnagar
Jordan Boothe
Benjamin Espinoza
Michael Pry
Kevin Slonka
Neelima Bhatnagar: "Student attitudes, awareness, and perceptions of personal privacy and cybersecurity in the use of social media: An initial study," with Michael Pry, 2019 EDSIG Conference on Information Systems & Computing Education
Jordan Boothe: "Audiovisual Investigation into the Content Knowledge of Organic Chemistry Peer-Led Study Group Facilitators," Peer-Led Team Learning International Society meeting
Katrina Brown: Student knowledge about nuclear science talk, Fall 2019 Western PA American Association of Physics Teachers meeting; "Understanding the Hubble Redshift" and "Using Historic Articles as Case Studies in Physics" with Todd Brown, Fall 2019 Eastern National Science Teaching Association Conference.
Todd Brown: "One Person’s Nuclear Waste is Another Person’s Treasure: Using 60Co to Demonstrate Radiocarbon Dating," Fall 2019 Regional Association of American Physics Teachers; "Understanding the Hubble Redshift" and "Using Historic Articles as Case Studies in Physics" with Katrina Brown, Fall 2019 Eastern National Science Teaching Association Conference.
Laura Giovannelli: "Practical and Pedagogical Considerations in Transitioning to an Electronic Lab Notebook in the General Chemistry Lab" poster, 2020 Assessment and Teaching Conference.
Olivia Long: "Hosting Office Hours In Sweats: Utilizing Real-time Video Study Sessions," American Society Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Research; "Graduating 30% More Science Students Utilizing Science Seminar & the SLC Scholars Program" poster, 26th Annual American Society of Microbiology Conference for Undergraduate Educators.
Michael Pry: "Student attitudes, awareness, and perceptions of personal privacy and cybersecurity in the use of social media: An initial study," with Neelima Bhatnagar, 2019 EDSIG Conference on Information Systems & Computing Education
Katrina Brown: Workshops at elementary and middle schools on light, nuclear science and sound
Olivia Long: Workshop presenter, Summer Science & Math Experience
Matthew Luderer: Workshop presenter, Summer Science & Math Experience
Timothy Savisky: Workshop presenter, Summer Science & Math Experience; PA Cleanways Board of Directors; Sewickley Creek Watershed Association Board of Directors; Lowber Field Day presenter
Barbara Barnhart: Grant proposal committees: Inclusive Excellence 3 proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, S-STEM proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Jordan Boothe: Grant proposal committees: Inclusive Excellence 3 proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, S-STEM proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Katrina Brown: Board of Directors, Vice President in Charge of Cosmology, and Head of international high school physics teaching award committee, Contemporary Physics Education Project.
Todd Brown: Vice-President in Charge of Nuclear Physics, Contemporary Physics Education Project.
Victoria Causer: Grant proposal committees: Inclusive Excellence 3 proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, S-STEM proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Benjamin Espinoza: Member of the Steering Committee for the Spring Topology and Dynamical Systems Conference.
Kayla Heffernan: Reviewed manuscripts for International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, Journal of Education and Training Studies, School Science and Mathematics Journal; Grant proposal committees: Inclusive Excellence 3 proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, S-STEM proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Jennifer Ingram: Grant proposal committees: Inclusive Excellence 3 proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, S-STEM proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Olivia Long: Director, Northeast Region 3 Beta Beta Beta National Biology Honor Society; Grant evaluator, National Science Foundation, American Society of Microbiology, and Beta Beta Beta National Biological Sciences Honor Society; Co-Principal Investigator for NSF S-STEM grant 1458289; Principal Investigator and chair of grant proposal committees for Inclusive Excellence 3 proposal to the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and S-STEM proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Kevin Slonka: Grant proposal committee: S-STEM proposal to the National Science Foundation.
Barbara Barnhart: Women IN Academic Leadership cohort
Jordan Boothe: Received a $6,000 equipment grant from the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh for the purchase of new spectrophotometers for the biology labs.
Katrina Brown: Received astronomy supplies and equipment from the Civil Air Patrol.
Victoria Causer: with Kayla Heffernan, awarded a $2000 Course Incubator Grant preproposal from the Center for Teaching and Learning to design a large Algebra section that implements the Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning model of teaching.
Marie Fioravanti: Recipient of the 2019 Cameo of Caring Nurse Educator Award from the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing.
Kayla Heffernan: Awarded a Forge Your Own Path grant, Spring 2020; with Victoria Causer, awarded a $2000 Course Incubator Grant preproposal from the Center for Teaching and Learning to design a large Algebra section that implements the Process-Oriented Guided-Inquiry Learning model of teaching.
Olivia Long: With Corrine Silvio S’20 and Cheyeanne Perez S’20, received a 2019-2020 National TriBeta Research Grant Award to help support their research on the “Effect of Naloxone and Opioid Interactions within the C. elegans addition model”.