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Course & Subject Guides

Mastering the University - Pittsburgh Campus

This research guide is for College of General Studies and other commuting or online students, to help them gain full use of library resources both on and off campus.

Putting it all together

Organizing your research and putting your ideas down on paper can be difficult.  You can get writing help at the Writing Center.

Citing Sources

Correctly citing information is an essential skill for any academic researcher. Our Major Citation Styles guide provides links to several online style guides covering the basics of correctly citing your sources.

It's often best to consult the official style guides when in doubt.  Most ULS libraries will have copies of such popular citation style guides as the American Psychological Association, the Modern Language Association, or the Chicago Manual of Style.

Style Guides for Citing Sources

Citing Sources Using a Citation Manager

Keep track of all of your reference lists and bibliographies. Pitt's library resources work with citation management tools and allow you to import citations from sources like PittCat and article databases.