Hillman Library is the largest library on the Oakland campus, and contains a variety of resources and services.
Hillman is also being renovated! Check out the renovation homepage for key updates.
Below is an overview of services and resources available in Hillman. Don't worry if you aren't on campus often because the majority of our business resources are available online.
Group Study Rooms
- Reserve a group study room in Hillman to work on collaborative projects. Many of the rooms contain whiteboards and mediascapes where you can present your laptop for the whole group to see.
Business Sources in Print or On-Campus Use Only
- Some business resources, like the Capital IQ database, are only available on campus with an account or on specific computers.
- We also have a large physical book collection, in addition to e-books.
Course Reserves
- Some instructors place physical materials (typically books) on reserve at the Wood Service Desk on the ground floor of Hillman. These can typically be checked out for a two-hour period.
Study Space
- You can study on the quiet floors in individual study carrels or in louder floors in more collaborative spaces.
One-Button Video Recording Studio