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Course & Subject Guides

2021 Katz Research and Library Introduction - Pittsburgh Campus

Use this guide to learn about key library resources and services available at Pitt for Master of Science Students


This guide has two functions:

1. Connect you to the Katz Research TutorialsCompletion of both of these tutorials is part of your orientation. If you have any problems or questions, contact the business librarian by clicking on the "Email us!" button to the left. NOTE: Please do not complete the Academic Research Tutorial until after July 28th when our new catalog system is life. 

2. Provide a reference on how to use library resources to do business research and orient you to some of our business resources. This guide provides direct access to the same information covered by the tutorials. 

Use the tabs on the left to navigate through this guide.


The Business Librarian

Do you need financial data, SWOT analysis reports, industry profiles, market and consumer data, or other types of information?

If you need any assistance choosing an appropriate source or using the databases, please contact the business librarians:

Chloe Dufour, Business Librarian LaMonica Wiggins, Entrepreneurship Librarian

We can also set up an appointment either on campus or via video call on Zoom or Skype.

Research Guides

Research guides contain helpful tips, links, and information focused on specific topics, subjects, or classes. There is a list of research guides are available on the Business Databases guide. Start with Doing Business Research @ Pitt!