Phrase Searching - PittCat allows for phrase searching with the use of “ “. For example, the search "climate change" will find items with the phrase climate change in them.
Wildcard and Truncation – You can use wildcards (* and ?) symbols to search PittCat.
Advanced Searching - Check the Advanced Search for more tips and techniques to enhance your search, including Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT). Note: Boolean Operators must be entered in all uppercase/capital letters.
This scholarly collection provides journal coverage for most academic areas of study, including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences and women's studies. This is an EBSCOHost database.
Looking for a specific article and cannot remember what database you were in? Use the Google Scholar search box below or click the Google Scholar link above to be sure you are logged in as a Pitt user. As a Pitt user, Google Scholar search results will show links to full-text material available within the University Library System.
Note: You must authenticate through the Pitt system to gain this access.