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Course & Subject Guides

Academic Integrity: How to Avoid Plagiarism and Maintain Academic Integrity

This guide includes information to help students navigate academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.

Academic Integrity @ Pitt

When we speak of academic integrity we are referring to the moral and ethical values shared within academia: acting with honesty, taking responsibility for your learning and actions, and respecting other’s work. 

In all aspects of your life, you may strive to be honest, to earn and give trust, to act fairly, to respect others and their work, to be responsible, to act courageously.  Those values are also reflected within the academic integrity as expectations:

  • Use information appropriately, according to copyright and privacy laws.
  • Acknowledge where the information you use comes from and avoid presenting other people's work as your own.
  • Conduct research ethically, in line with academic standards and the University's regulations.
  • Act in an ethical manner in all your academic endeavors.

As a student at the University of Pittsburgh, you are expected to put these values into practice in your classwork, and your research.  When you act with academic integrity, you are showing a level of respect that you would want to receive in return.

Academic Integrity Canvas Course & Badge

Academic Integrity is foundational to teaching, learning, and collaboration. As a University of Pittsburgh student, you play a role in creating knowledge and are expected to adhere to certain standards of academic integrity. To learn more about Academic Integrity, the University Library System has developed a few modules in Canvas. The modules detail Pitt guidelines on plagiarism, honesty, ownership of intellectual property, and scholastically appropriate behavior established by the academic community and the University of Pittsburgh.

To enroll and complete these modules visit the link below.  After you have reviewed the modules, you will take a quiz on all the aspects that you learned. When you complete the quiz successfully, with a score of 80% or more, you will receive a completion badge.


Access the Academic Integrity Course now!