You can request material through PittCat using Get It, even for material that we do not own. You must be signed in and then click on the item you need. Options within the item:
If you have any questions about this, please contact us so we can work with you to try and get the material you need.
PittCat is the main searching tool for all of the materials owned by the University Library System (ULS), including articles, books, ebooks, journal articles, ejournals, audio and video, digital images, government documents, microfilm and movies.
Keyword Searching -You can search the catalog using keywords related to your topic. Here's a good exercise to help you generate keywords:
Phrase Searching - PittCat allows for phrase searching with the use of “ “. For example, the search ""African economic development" will find only results containing those two words next to each other in that order. Remember: Exact phrase searches can focus your results, but they can also miss some relevant results. Searching the phrase "African economic development" may not find "economic development" in Somalia or Nigeria.
Wildcard and Truncation – You can use wildcards (* and ?) symbols to search PittCat.
Advanced Searching - Check the Advanced Search for more tips and techniques to enhance your search, including Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT). Note: Boolean Operators must be entered in all uppercase/capital letters.
Use the PittCat Advanced Search to combine keywords in a search string or use these sample subject term searches: