Downloading EndNote Desktop
EndNote is available to Pitt students and faculty for free through the Software Download Service at My Pitt. The site gives detailed instructions on the download process.
Export references into EndNote from a database or other resource. Many databases and online resources offer an option to export references directly into EndNote, or an option to save to a general citation manager. Either option will work.
EndNote is a popular reference management program.
You can use it to:
Use EndNote Desktop on the device you use most often; log in to EndNote Web from any other device with internet access and sync your work to your Desktop account!
To learn more about EndNote, please visit the EndNote @ Pitt guide
Use the Groups menu or the Group section in your library to:
You can share individual references with colleagues in EndNote Desktop by choosing the mail icon to share a PDF or right-clicking the reference and selecting E-mail reference.
When you export from a library, EndNote Desktop creates a file of references formatted according to the chosen style.
EndNote Desktop is also designed to work with a word processor, such as MS Word with the Cite While You Write (CWYW) plug-in. As you insert citations, EndNote automatically builds a bibliography at the end of your document according to the rules of whatever citation style is selected. Changing the citation style will automatically reformat the bibliography and citations to the new style.