This scholarly collection provides journal coverage for most academic areas of study, including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences and women's studies. This is an EBSCOHost database.
The GeoRef database covers the geology of North America from 1693 to the present and the geology of the rest of the world from 1933 to the present. The database includes references to all publications of the U.S. Geological Survey.
ScienceDirect contains over 25% of the world's science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information.
PittCat is the main searching tool for all of the materials owned by the University Library System (ULS), including articles, books, ebooks, journal articles, ejournals, audio and video, digital images, government documents, microfilm and movies.
This is your learn-by-doing guide into ArcGIS, the powerful mapping and analysis system created by the geospatial pioneers at Esri. It's not just something you read, but something you do. The ArcGIS Book: 10 Big Ideas about Applying The Science of Where and its companion website provide access to hundreds of live maps from the worldwide ArcGIS user community. Each big idea in the title is a chapter in the book about the ways that GIS technology can unlock your data to reveal deeper insights and a better understanding of virtually any problem with a geographic dimension.
Create, analyze, and map your spatial data with ArcGIS for DesktopAbout This Book- Learn how to use ArcGIS for Desktop to create and manage geographic data, perform vector and raster analysis, design maps, and share your results- Solve real-world problems and share your valuable results using the powerful instruments of ArcGIS for Desktop- Step-by-step tutorials cover the main editing, analyzing, and mapping tools in ArcGIS for Desktop.
This accessible text prepares students to understand and work with geographic information systems (GIS), offering a detailed introduction to essential theories, concepts, and skills.
"The goal of Discovering GIS and ArcGIS is to teach students how to combine GIS concepts with ArcGIS software skills. Students learn to use the software, apply it to real-world tasks, and discover the concepts behind their actions. Students learn background and theory when appropriate as they work through hands-on applications of ArcGIS."
This book starts with an overview of GIS technology, what GIS technology is, what it can do, what software products are available, etc. Then, throughout the book, the author explains with many case studies, programs, maps, graphics, and 3D models how GIS and other related technologies can be used to automate mapping processes, collect, process, edit, store, manage, and share datasets, statistically analyze data, model, and visualize large datasets to understand patterns, trends, and relationships to make educated decisions. environmental science.
Geospatial data, or data with location information, is generated in huge volumes every day by billions of mobile phones, IoT sensors, drones, nanosatellites, and many other sources in an unending stream. This practical ebook introduces you to the landscape of tools and methods for making sense of all that data, and shows you how to apply geospatial analytics to a variety of issues, large and small.
Using a wealth of illustrations--with 74 in full color--to elucidate each concisely presented point, the revised and updated third edition continues to emphasize how design choices relate to the reasons for making a map and its intended purpose. All components of map making are covered: titles, labels, legends, visual hierarchy, font selection, how to turn phenomena into visual data, data organization, symbolization, and more. Innovative pedagogical features include a short graphic novella, good design/poor design map examples, end-of-chapter suggestions for further reading, and an annotated map examples that run throughout the book.