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Course & Subject Guides

Geographic Information System (GIS) Resources - Pittsburgh Campus: International Data

This guide provides information and resources for Pitt students and faculty on the GIS resources available in Hillman Libarary and on the Web.

International Data on the Web

International Data Available in Digital Scholarship Commons

The Atlas of Religions in China = 中国宗教地图 Integrates official religious data from the 2004 China Economic Census and maps of Mainland China. The atlas provides a total of about 70,000 religious sites (Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Muslim, and others). Each site includes the site name, address, contact information, County GB code, postcode, starting year, primary activities, employee and revenue scale, etc. The GIS map is in Shapefile format. All variables are in English and Chinese. A Chinese viewer is needed. (Pitt users only.)

Digital Map Database of China In addition to vector-format graphical data DMDC contains relevant attribute data, images, text, and a software tool for data display, query and selection. Contains data for administrative areas, populated places, railroads, roads, cultural features, hydrography, hypsography, vegetation, land cover, bathymetry and geographic grid. (Pitt users only)

ESRI Data & Maps Provides basic spatial data such as internal political boundaries, population, railroads, rivers, water bodies, and more.  (Pitt users only)

Global GIS: Global Coverage DVD (USGS) Extensive coverage of all of the continents on the planet except for Antarctica. The set makes a complete atlas of global data compiled from USGS and other data sources at a nominal scale of 1:1,000,000 and is intended as a regional-scale reference and analytical tool.


Older Data Sets

Africa Data Sampler (1992-1994) Data from the World Resources Institute. Detailed coverages of African countries. Inlcudes political boundares and natural resource data.

ArcAtlas Our Earth (1996) Includes a wide range of data are from weather and precipitation to land use and social infrastructure.

Digital Chart of the World (1991/1992) 1:1,000,000 scale vector based map of the world. Contains geographic, attribute, and textual data. Primary source for data is the ONC (Operational Navigational Chart) from DMA (Defense Mapping Agency). The library has the ESRI version and the NIMA version (which is called Vector Map Level 0) on cd-rom. A more recent version of this is available for free from the University of Hawaii.

Liaison Librarian

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Boris Michev
402 Hillman Library
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Skype Contact: borishmichev