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Course & Subject Guides

Orientation to New Chinese Students - Bradford Campus: Borrowing within PITT and Beyond

This guide provides an overview of library resources and services to Chinese students on the Bradford Campus

Get It !: Borrowing within the PITT Libraries 匹兹堡大学图书馆系统内的借阅服务

Using Get It! you will be able to have a book that is NOT CHECKED OUT to be delivered to you from any of the ULS libraries, including the Storage facility and the four branch campus libraries.

For instance, you normally check out books from Bradford Campus Library, but the book you are interested in has been checked out by someone else, or Bradford Campus Library does not have what you are looking for, but the Storage facility or the Greensburg Campus Library does, then you can use Get It! to have it delivered to Hanley Library.

Get It!服务能帮助你获取大学图书馆系统内任何一家图书馆没有被外借的图书,包括校外书库(Storage)和4个分校区的图书馆。 比如,您经常从Bradford Campus Library借书,但您现在想借的这本书已经被借出,或者不在Bradford,而是在Storage,或者在Greensburg Campus。这时,您就可以使用Get It!,使您需要的书送到Hanley Library。 具体步骤如下:

  •  在PittCat上找到那本书的记录
  •  点击记录上方的Get It!链接
  •  用您的匹兹堡大学电子邮件名和密码登录
  • 登录进Get IT!平台后,您会看见两个选择: Recall(催还),还有Get It!(送达)。根据您的情况任选其一。
  •  按照电脑屏幕上的要求输入所需信息,选择Bradford Lending 作为图书被送达的图书馆。如果不选,系统会自动选择Hillman Gr. Fl. Lending。
  • 提交服务申请。图书到达后,您会收到电子邮件通知。

Getting Books and Journal Articles From Storage 从校外书库借书或传送期刊文章

Most items are shelved in Storage. In PittCat they are displayed with Library Collections Storage Unit as the location. You may use the Get it! to request books in Storage to be delivered to any ULS library you designate. You may also request  articles to be scanned and sent in PDF from journals shelved in Storage. Just follow the following steps.

 匹兹堡大学图书馆系统的绝大部分图书和期刊资料都存放在校外书库(Storage)。在PittCat上,显示为“Library Collections Storage Unit”。读者可以从PittCat记录的界面上提出申请,要求把校外书库的书送到您指定的大学图书馆系统内的任何一个图书馆。您也可以要求把校外书库的期刊上的文章扫描,以PDF的形式通过电子邮件传送给您。具体步骤如下:

  • 在PittCat 或者PittCat 上找到那本书的记录。如果您是在PittCat上找到该记录,当您打开记录时, 系统会将您转到PittCat界面。
  • 点击记录上方的Get It!链接
  • 用您的匹兹堡大学电子邮件名和密码登录
  • 登录进Get IT!平台后,点击下拉菜单(drop-down menu),您会看见两个选择: Recall(催还),还有Get It!(送达)。选Get It!(送达)。
  • 按照电脑屏幕上的要求输入所需信息,选择 Bradford Lending 作为图书被送达的图书馆。如果不选,系统会自动选择Hillman Gr. Fl. Lending。
  • 点击 OK 提交服务申请。图书或文章到达后,您会收到电子邮件通知。

EZBorrow:Borrowing from Libraries of Pennsylvania and Neighboring States


If the PITT libraries do not have the book you are interested in, you can use EZBorrow service to get it from more than 72 libraries in Pennsylvania, Delaware, or West Virginia.

NOTE: EZBorrow is only for books. If you need an article from a journal that PITT libraries do not hold, either electronically or in print, please use the Interlibrary Loan service.


该服务只用于图书的借阅。如果您需要期刊文章,而匹兹堡大学图书馆既没有该期刊的纸本,也没有电子版,请使用馆际互借(Interlibrary Loan)服务。


Interlibrary Loan (ILL) 馆际互借

If EZBorrow is not able to get what you need from libraries in Pennsylvania and neiboring states, then use Interlibrary Loan service to get it from libraries in North America or even across the world.

 如果EZBorrow 服务也不能借到您所需要的图书,您可利用馆际互借(Interlibrary Loan,简写为 ILL) 从北美甚至世界各地其他图书馆借阅。具体事项如下:

  • ILL服务可提供匹兹堡大学系统没有收藏的图书和期刊文章。
  • 只有持有效证件的匹兹堡大学的学生、教职员工可以利用ILL服务。
  • 服务申请提交后,4天之内可望收到所申请的期刊文章,2星期之内从北美图书馆收到所申请图书。
  • 借阅图书期限由借出图书馆规定
  • 可以在大学图书馆系统里的任何一个图书馆借出和归还图书
  • 馆际互借的图书逾期未还,罚金为每天每本书一(1)美金。没有宽限期。

East Asian Gateway Services 东亚文献传递门户服务

If you need an academic journal article published in Chinese or Korean, but the journal is nowhere available in the United States, do not worry. The East Asian Gateway Service will be able to help. We have more than 18 partner libraries in China and Korea. The chance is very high that we will somehow get what you are looking for and send to you in email for FREE, and very FAST (usually within 3 business days). Just fill in the request form online and the rest is on us.

 如果您需要中文或者韩文学术期刊文章,但北美任何一家图书馆都没有收藏该期刊,不用担心,我们东亚图书馆的东亚文献传递门户服务(East Asian Gateway Services可以提供帮助。通过与中国大陆、香港、台湾、澳门及韩国的18家图书馆的合作关系,我们能设法找到您所需要的资料。您只需在网上填好申请表就可以。收到文献后,我们会发到您的电子邮件信箱。这是一项免费而高效的服务,欢迎您多多使用。