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Course & Subject Guides

Orientation to New Chinese Students - Bradford Campus: PittCat for Chinese Materials

This guide provides an overview of library resources and services to Chinese students on the Bradford Campus

How to Search PittCat for Chinese Materials

Pretty much the same as you would search English materials, except your search term is in Chinese. You may type in the Chinese search term either in Chinese characters or in Pinyin transliteration. If you use Pinyin, please pay attention to the rules on syllable separation or connecting.


·         书名 –红楼梦 or  hong lou meng

·         期刊名 – 当代电影 or  dang dai dian ying

·         作者名  – Cao xueqin or 曹雪芹

·         关键词  -- 历史 or  li shi

Chinese Transliteration Rules for Library Materials


1.   In general, enter the pinyin for each Chinese character with a space.. 通常情况下,字与字之间应该留一空格。

如:宗教 zong jiao , 政治  zheng zhi,   物理 wu li, 工学院 gong xue yuan

2. Special occasions where you do need to join the syllables.下列情况下字与字之间不留空格。

  • 名 Given names:    贾樟柯 jia zhangke 
  • 复姓Multi-character surnames:    司马相如   sima xiangru
  • 尊称Forenames and courtesy names:  孔子 kongzi,庄子 zhuangzi
  • 法名、法号 Names of persons of religious vocation:   玄奘法师 xuangzang fa shi
  • 地名 Geographical names:中国 zhongguo, 北京 beijing
  •  复合地名  Multi-character geographical names
    •  如:中华人民共和国 zhonghua renmin gongheguo
  •  语种、宗教派别、族裔Names of racial, linguistic, or ethnic groups:
    • 基督徒 jidu tu
    • 毛南族  maonan zu
    • 美国人 meiguo ren