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Course & Subject Guides

Poster Presentations @ Pitt

This guide is designed to help those preparing a poster presentation for a course assignment or a research display


In choosing a layout you'll want to keep these issues in mind. You can find more examples and discussion in the sources under the Helpful Resources tab.

  • the story of your presentation should be readily apparent and easy to follow
  • the most important parts of your story should appear in the most prominent locations
  • the sequence of your presentation should be obvious and natural
  • take advantage of natural eye movement patterns - top to bottom and left to right in English
  • don't overcrowd - leave blank space to separate the sections of your poster
  • leave margins around the edges
  • limit text to short blocks
  • title should be prominently displayed at the top
  • authors' names, affiliations, and contact information should be readily visible near the title

Templates and Examples

You may choose to design your poster from scratch, but sometimes a template that may fit your needs already exists . Check out examples of real posters to get ideas that may work for you.