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Course & Subject Guides

Poster Presentations @ Pitt

This guide is designed to help those preparing a poster presentation for a course assignment or a research display

Color Wheel

A color wheel based on HSV, labeled with color names from HTML

Credit: From "Color Wheel" article in Wikipedia. Submitted by Jacobolus.


Color can enhance your poster and attract viewers, if used effectively.

You might use color to:

  • improve the visual appeal of your poster
  • improve the reader's ability to understand it quickly
  • highlight important elements in your poster
  • connect related information
  • distinguish different categories of information
  • present results in graphic form
  • provide accurate images of examples from your work

Things to watch:

  • don't overdo - very bright posters can draw attention, but may be difficult or tiring to read
  • dark and brightly colored backgrounds can use a lot of ink when printing
  • many prefer to read dark text on light backgrounds
  • choose colors with sufficient contrast. Your text must be easily readable against the background, and colors on graphs and charts must be easily distinguished from each other.
  • maintain a color scheme
  • avoid using green and red next to each other to limit difficulties for those with color-blindness

Using Color

The resource below can help you get started with using color in your poster.