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Course & Subject Guides

English Composition - Bradford Campus

This guide is designed to help students enrolled in ENG 0100 Introduction to College Composition, ENG 0101 English Composition 1, and ENG 0102 English Composition 2 complete research assignments, papers, and projects.

Sample Citations in APA (7th edition)

Journal Article (with a doi)

Lawson, H. M., & Leck, K. (2006). Dynamics of internet dating.  Social Science Computer Review, 24(2), 189-208.

Journal Article (without a doi)

Lawson, H. M. (2003). Controlling the wilderness: The work of wilderness officers.  Society and Animals, 11(4), 329-351.

Book/eBook/Audio Book (with author and no doi)

Burrough, B. (2004). Public enemies: America’s greatest crime wave and the birth of the FBI, 1933-34. Penguin Press.

Chapter in an Edited Book (with author and doi)

Gaskew, T. (2018). Transforming the systemic humiliation of crime and justice: Reawakening Black consciousness. In D. Rothbart (Ed.), Systemic humiliation in America (pp. 131-144). Palgrave Macmillan.

Additional APA examples

APA 7th ed. PowerPoint Presentation