Evidence Synthesis International describes Evidence Synthesis this way...
"Evidence synthesis is the interpretation of individual studies within the context of global knowledge for a given topic. These syntheses provide a rigorous and transparent knowledge base for translating research in decisions. Essential to all evidence syntheses is the use of explicit and transparent methodology in the formation of the questions they address. The transparent methodology encompasses how studies are identified, selected, appraised, analyzed, and the strength of the evidence assessed to answer the questioned posed.
Evidence syntheses methods have been applied to a diverse and growing number of areas. Applications, include: education, crime and justice, international development, health care delivery, health technology assessment, veterinary medicine, pre-clinical drug development and toxicology, food safety, and environmental conservation. As equally diverse as the applications are the organizations that conduct, commission, and utilize the evidence synthesis."
Evidence Synthesis International. (n.d.). What is Evidence Synthesis. Retrieved January 25, 2021, from https://evidencesynthesis.org/what-is-evidence-synthesis/
Evidence synthesis refers to any method of identifying, selecting, and combining results from multiple studies. The following are some types of evidence synthesis.
Systematic Review
Literature (Narrative) Review
Scoping Review or Evidence Map
Rapid Review
Umbrella Review
The above was adapted from Cornell University LIbrary's A Guide to Evidence Synthesis: Types of Evidence Synthesis, https://guides.library.cornell.edu/evidence-synthesis/types
Follow the links below to tools which will help you to determine which evidence synthesis method will work for you.