1994 - Anti-immigrant legislation was repeatedly proposed in CA legislature to deny undocumented children a public education.
A ballot initiative also in CA that year proposed denying public benefits to undocumented immigrants and denying public education to undocumented children - it was approved by a substantial margin
It was struck down three days later in federal court for being obviously unconstitutional
1996 - Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act broadened the definition of “aggravated felony,” and increased the number of crimes that could be classified as “aggravated felonies.” This made it easier to deport undocumented immigrants, especially those charged with crimes, as the law was also applied retroactively.
Increased border patrol agents
Created an “expedited removal” process to deport undocumented immigrants without a hearing
1996 - Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act made it extremely difficult for green card holders to apply for federal assistance, such as food stamps and Medicaid.
2014 - President Obama used executive action to delay the deportation of ~ 5 million immigrants.
Also in this order - parents of US citizens/green card holders can receive deportation deferrals and permission to work legally if they’ve been in the US for over 5 years and pass a background check
2014 - 3% of PA residents were undocumented, but accounted for about 22% of PA residents below the poverty line.
2014 - 14% of CA residents were undocumented, but accounted for about 28% of CA residents below the poverty line.