Caretaker – High-ranking members of Sanctuary’s society who are responsible for supervising the results of the Game and designing the simulations that will improve Residents’ way of life.
Central Central – Primary gathering place for Residents; often the site of important announcements and speeches.
Cloaking – Taking Gear offline to hide the location of its user.
The Creed – the pledge that the Residents recite to demonstrate their loyalty to Sanctuary and to Amin.
Eden – Janice’s name for the settlement she plans to build on the Surface; a utopian society.
Freedom Day – A day to commemorate the creation of Sanctuary and to mark the day that the founders chose to create a haven underground.
The Game – A simulation that students compete in to find resources for Sanctuary. Their rankings in the game determine their career and their standing as adults.
Gank – To kill someone in the Game.
Gear – The wearable electronic technology that connects the residents of Sanctuary: “communication device, Network browser, camera, timepiece, news feed, notetaker, calculator, entertainment generator.
Growers – Residents who are in charge of farming fresh produce for Sanctuary.
Guilds – Groups of underage Residents (Guildees) who work together as teams to train for the Game.
Keepers – The peacekeeping force that serves Amin and reports to Dr. Lowell.
Moles/ Diggers – Miners who work to clear new passages for Sanctuary. Low ranking members of society.
Network – The system Residents can access through their Gear to communicate with each other or to conduct research.
The Old World – Residents’ term for life above the surface, before they were forced to move underground and found Sanctuary.
Outliers – According to Amin, they are enemies who live outside of Sanctuary, aboveground.
Portal – The locked doors between Sanctuary and the outside world.
Sanctuary – The underground civilization established by Amin 30 years before the play begins, occupying the tunnels and chambers below earth’s surface.
Storyteller – An artificial intelligence system that makes announcements for Amin and updates Residents on current events.
Questions for Consideration
Content for this page was contributed by Liz Kurtzman, Spark dramaturg.