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Course & Subject Guides

Mendeley @ Pitt

This guide is designed to help you build and manage your Mendeley citation manager and collection.

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a free web and desktop reference management application that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

  • Collect and organize references from catalogs, databases, web pages and Google Scholar.
  • Attach file copies of articles to references
  • Annotate and search across attached files
  • Insert in-text citations and generate bibliographies as you type.
  • Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  • Access your papers from anywhere online

Getting Started

1.  Mendeley -- Get started by creating a free Mendeley Web account at  You may also be asked to create an Elsivier account.

2.  Download the Mendeley Reference Manager to your laptop or computer . 

3.  Install the Mendeley Web Importer -- Install the Web Importer into your favorite web browser to import references and documents from Google Scholar and webpages.

4.  Install the Mendeley Cite -- Installing the Mendeley Cite plugin will allow you to insert citations and bibliographies into your Microsoft Word document.

Training & Support


The University Library System offers Mendeley training sessions for University faculty, staff and students.  Each hands-on class is an hour and a half long, and free for all Pitt affiliates.  Class sizes are limited, so please register for a class.

Mendeley Basics classes cover creating an account, searching resources and exporting citations to Mendeley, organizing collections of citations, attaching files to citations, and creating and formatting bibliographies of citations.

Sign up for a Training Session:

Oakland Campus Training Sessions