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Course & Subject Guides

Mendeley @ Pitt

This guide is designed to help you build and manage your Mendeley citation manager and collection.

Sharing Capability

Along with the ability to import documents and citations, Mendeley works as a social networking tool to create opportunities for collaboration with options that allow you to:

  • Create and build a profile representing your background and research interests
  • Browse and search Mendeley’s crowd-sourced research catalog
  • Search, follow, and join groups related to your research interests
  • Connect with fellow researchers and follow their activity from the Dashboard

Mendeley Groups

Groups in Mendeley allow you to share and collaborate with other researchers with Mendeley accounts.  You can create your own groups in Mendeley

Desktop or Mendeley Web.  Mendeley Web will also allow you to search, join, and follow groups.

Types of Groups

  • Open: An open group will allow anyone to contribute, become a member, or follow.
  • Invite-Only: This group will allow you to share references but not files and can be viewed publicly.
  • Private: Private groups allow you to share files and annotations between members.  These groups are not able to be seen in searches.

You can follow your groups by using the Mendeley Web Dashboard.

Create a Mendeley Group