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Course & Subject Guides

Educational Policy Papers: Introduction

This guide will serve as a resource for identifying and locating educational policy papers, white papers, and policy briefs.

Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Marian Hampton
405 Hillman Library
University of Pittsburgh
3960 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Subjects: Education


Getting Started with Your Research

This guide was created to bring many of the websites and databases used in identifying educational policy papers, white papers, and education briefs together in one place.

It should serve as a landing place for maintaining currency on new educational policies and reactions to those policies. Many of these sites offer RSS feeds and other methods of informing those who sign up when policies are updated or amended in some way.

The guide is organized into the following sections:

Policymakers Organized by Area of Focus

A list of educational associations and organizations with links to policies they sponsor or advocate

eJournals and Databases

A listing of electronic journals and databases used for seeking information about educational policy, accessible by the Pitt community

Database Search Examples

Screenshots of two ERIC searches

Local Resources

Links to educational policy groups in the Oakland area of Pittsburgh


Education Week blogs

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