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Colonial Latin American History - Greensburg Campus

This guide will assist you in developing a research topic and subsequent paper for HIST 0500 Colonial Latin America.

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Eduardo Lozano Latin American Collection

The University of Pittsburgh is home to the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) on the Pittsburgh Campus. The University Library System contains a premier collection of resources dedicated to Latin American Studies. Although most items can be found through PittCat students doing research in the area of Colonial Latin American History are encouraged to visit their webpage and that of the Center for Latin American Studies.

Primary and Secondary Resources

The study of history usually includes the investigation of both primary and secondary resources. Primary resources are the basic evidence for any good research project. For example, if you were investigating how American children in 1880 learned to read, you could view a copy of a nineteenth century reader from the Nietz Textbook Collection at the University of Pittsburgh Digital Library to see how they were taught to read. Newspapers of the same time period would also constitute a primary resource. Secondary resources would include scholarly articles and books about your topic.

For more information about Primary Resources available at Pitt, specifically those related to Latin American Studies, consult this guide from Pitt's Center for Latin American Studies.