This is a great, short video from RMIT University in Australia that explains what scholarly/peer-reviewed/articles and library databases are.
PittCat is the main searching tool for all of the materials owned by the University Library System (ULS), including articles, books, ebooks, journal articles, ejournals, audio and video, digital images, government documents, microfilm and movies.
Listed below are multidisciplinary databases, covering a wide range of topics, that you can used to get started. (JSTOR does not include magazines or newspapers.)
Printing articles on campus? See the student instructions under "Printing Services" near the bottom of the campus technology web page for instructions on using mobile print stations and locations for other printers on campus.
This scholarly collection provides journal coverage for most academic areas of study, including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences and women's studies. This is an EBSCOHost database.
JSTOR (Journal Storage) is a digital library that provides online access to academic journals, books, and primary sources in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. It is a trusted source for scholarly research and provides access to over 6,000 academic journals, more than 2 million images, and over a thousand books. The platform has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to search and access high-quality, peer-reviewed content. JSTOR also features advanced tools for research and discovery, including citation analysis and alerts for new content. It is a valuable resource for scholars, students, and researchers in the academic community.
Sometimes you won't be able to get everything you need from a multidisciplinary database and need something more specific. Pitt offers many subject-specific databases that you can use. A few popular choices are listed below.