For digital versions of current topographic maps of Pittsburgh, please see the links in the box below.
For digital versions of historical topographic maps of Pittsburgh, visit our Historic Pittsburgh Maps Collection, especially:
At Pitt we collect topographic maps published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for the entire United States. The most detailed USGS topographic maps are 7.5' (7 1/2 minute) maps. These have a scale of 1:24,000. For all states except Pennsylvania we keep only current maps. Most of these maps are listed in PITTCat+.
All USGS topographic maps are kept at our storage facility off campus. Anyone can ask for specific maps to be transferred to the Archives Reading Room for viewing. (The Archives Service Center is located in the Point Breeze neighborhood of Pittsburgh.)
How do you know which map you need? To find the appropriate quadrangle name for USGS topographic maps, you can use: